YSI Data Scout Advanced User Manual

Page 83

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When started, the DSPlay window appears as a one of three blank windows, depending on its currently selected Display mode (figure

Figure 6.1

The Text Box Display has scroll bars in case the selected file being displayed does not fit exactly into the box. However, the entire
DSPlay window can also be resized and repositioned on the screen. The application remembers these parameters persistently when it
exits. When restarted it restores the saved position and size it previously had. Other options (like last file displayed and plotting
defaults) are also persistent.

The Plot Surface Display may have any of four background colors selected for it, by clicking the display window.

The Text Editor’s data is always displayed in a separate window, so the main window is blank. However, clicking this blank window
allows the user to configure a favorite text editor.

Clicking either one of the three display areas opens an appropriate display options configuration window for its particular display
mode. This is equivalent to using the Display | Options menu function for each mode selected. Be sure to view the ToolTips of each
item on the configuration window for detailed help information. All these additional display options are also persistent when DSPlay
exits and restarts. Likewise, the program remembers the last file selected and the last display mode but does not initially display the
file because very long files would take a significant amount of time to re-display. However, you can immediately invoke the display of
the last file selected in several ways:

1.) Resize the form slightly with a mouse drag.

2.) Reselect the current display mode via the Display menu.

3.) Reselect the current file name via the File | Open menu.

YSI Incorporated

Data Scout Advanced

