4 converting large data files – YSI Data Scout Advanced User Manual

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YSI Incorporated

Data Scout Advanced


compensated pressures that have an unreasonable pressure value, or if the value is replaced with the token “****” or “**nobaro**” then
you may choose to view the Details report to find out what went wrong during the conversion. If the report is long, simply search it
for any “**” string to find all error messages that indicate a problem.

The first section in the header of the Details report contains information on an initial verification phase of the compensation session.
If all the absolute pressure data being compensated (and its corresponding barometer reference data) are in the same file this section
has little information. Such a conversion is always successful since there is always a suitable barometer reading to use for each pressure
to be compensated.

However, if the Original file being compensated and the barometer file are different, the header of the Details report shows the results
verifying that both files have date/time stamps that cover the same time period. If the data file to be compensated contains any
absolute pressure data with date/time stamps earlier than the date/time stamps of the earliest barometer pressure datum or if the data
file contains pressure data with date/time stamps later than the time/date stamps of the latest barometer pressure datum, then the
“closest” barometer reading may still be used if it is not too old (i.e., is within the specified tolerance in minutes).


Most typical short data files will convert fast enough that the user may not notice the processing time. However, Data Scout Advanced
is capable of generating text data files that are millions of bytes in length. If you attempt to convert such files it can take a very long
time. The only indication of this is that the status box indicating that conversion is in progress may seem to hold its message for a very
long time. During such operations, the Exit button is temporarily renamed Abort and may be clicked if you choose to end the
conversion process short of its ultimate goal. Any file created by an aborted conversion may thus contain only part of the converted
data from the original file being converted.
