YSI Data Scout Advanced User Manual

Page 46

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Specify any or all measurements to be logged: transducer level or pressure (P), transducer temperature (T), printed
circuit board temperature (B), and battery voltage (V)


Give tests an optional name (up to 18 chars.) or Vacate any Idle or Done test. The program will warn the user to
extract the data from Done tests before vacating them.

The Time tab contains options for entering the Begin and End date/times of a new test, or for displaying the date/times of an existing
test (figure 4.23). Enter the test date/times in an Absolute or Relative format. The None selection leaves date/time undefined. The user
cannot change the Begin time of a test once it is scheduled to run. However, the user may change the End time of an existing Active
test to force it to end earlier than originally specified. Setting a test’s Relative End time of 0_0:0:0 will usually end it immediately (after
Send button is selected) if the test is already Active.

Figure 4.23

Only Absolute dates/times of tests are actually sent to (and understood by) the Level Scout. Relative entry is a user
convenience provided by the software. A Relative Start date/time of a test is relative to when the user presses the
Send button. A Relative End date/time of a test is relative to its previously specified Relative (or Absolute) Begin
date/time. Thus, a Relative Begin date/time of 0_0:0:5 (default) starts the test 5 seconds after it is sent to the Level
Scout. A Relative End date/time of 0_0:5:0 (default) stops the test 5 minutes after it was started. Using Relative
values is often simpler than trying to enter six exact numbers as accurate Absolute values. Note that relative dates
have no year or month field, but have only a single day field with a possible value of 0 to 99 relative days. The
necessary conversion from relative to absolute date/time is made just before the values are transmitted to the
transducer. Thereafter, only the equivalent absolute value is displayed.


YSI Incorporated

Data Scout Advanced

