External – Avaya IP Office User Manual

Page 101

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Voicemail Pro Installation

Page 101

EN-S Issue 01b (20 June 2011)

IP Office

System Preferences: Email


The External setting should be used when the voicemail server should check the mail drop folder on a local SMTP server
for SMTP email messages. For example, when there is an IIS server with SMTP enabled on the same server PC as the
Voicemail Pro server.


Distributed/Primary/Backup Voicemail
This is the option that should be used when the voicemail server is a Windows based server in a network
distributed voicemail servers are being used or is a server in a primary/backup voicemail server pairing.


This is the port on which the server receives incoming SMTP emails.


This is the domain destination address for which the server will accept incoming emails. Note that it matches the
domain set by the first server entry in the

SMTP Sender



Messaging Between Voicemail Servers
For messaging between voicemail servers, the first entry in the SMTP Sender list must be the one
configured and used. Each server uses the SMTP server service on the same server PC as the voicemail
service. For example a Windows based servers uses the SMTP email provided by the IIS on the same
server. The voicemail service also uses the domain set to filter incoming SMTP mails received by the SMTP
server. For this to work, the domain entered should be the fully qualified name of the server on which the
voicemail server is running, for example vmpro1.example.com. Any incoming messages where the
recipient mail domain is not exactly the same as the specified domain are ignored. The recipient can either
by vmsyncmaster, vmsyncslave or the name or extension of a mailbox on the Voicemail Pro server, for
example [email protected] or [email protected].

