4 sidescan classification, Targetone, Arget – Triton Perspective User Manual

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6.11.4 Sidescan Classification

Bottom types can be classified in MosaicOne using the built-in classification module called
SeaClass. The classification process is described in detail in the SeaClass section of the help
document in Section 8.1.

7: TargetOne

7.1 TargetOne Module

TargetOne is an add-on to Perspective Map which allows users to select targets from sidescan
waterfall data or from mosaics in the map view. Options available in the TargetOne module
are presented below.


Settings for TargetOne are found in the 'Contact' tab of the main application settings for

Perspective. Application settings can be accessed through the toolbar button

or by

selecting 'Settings Info' from the View menu as shown below:

Note that the file paths for the temporary and saved contacts in the TargetOne settings must
be different, and they need to be set before targets can be selected. The 'Contact' setting
options available are described in detail in Section 3.6.

Target Selection

Targets can be acquired in Perspective Map from raw waterfall data and from the mosaic
layers in the map view.
