Triton Perspective User Manual

Page 26

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There are no right-click options on the Navigation tree node but sub-layers have the
following options:

Reset Navigation: Allows the user to return the navigation
to its original position as interpreted from the data file.
Selecting this option from right-clicking on a mosaic file
will reset the navigation for all XTF files in the mosaic.
Right-clicking on a single XTF will only reset the
navigation for the selected file and file type.

View: This option is available on the XTF layer level and
will open a waterfall viewer for sidescan navigation and a
swath viewer for multibeam navigation.

More information on the Waterfall Viewer and Swath
Viewer can be found at Sections 5.9 and 5.9.4.

Sort Ascending: Sorts the data files by name in ascending
alphanumeric order.

Sort Descending: Sorts the data files by name in descending alphanumeric order.

Add: Allows the user to add data files.

Remove: Allows the user to remove all navigation for a particular line from the Map View.
It will remove the navigation line from the Multibeam, Sidescan and Vessel nodes.

Info: Access XML settings file for viewing the projection, file path directory of the vector
file, ping range in viewer window, and other information.

Zoom to Extents: Quick zoom option which zooms to the full extent of the navigation data
for Multibeam, Sidescan and Vessel nodes. Color Settings

Selecting this will open the following window:
