Page 58 6. post commands – Muxlab Multimedia 16 x 16 Matrix Switch User Manual

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© MuxLab Inc.

Multimedia 16x16 Matrix Switch Installation Guide

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6. POST Commands

POST commands will always return 1 of 5 HTTP headers:

HTTP 201 Created

Command was successful

HTTP 400 Bad Request

Received argument was malformed

HTTP 403 Forbidden

User does not have sufficient privileges

HTTP 404 Not Found

URL is incorrect

HTTP 501 Not Implemented URL does not support receiving POST data




Array of connections.
(Same as GET above)

Example: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,3,12,13,14,15,16,12,1,1]


Array of connections for a preset
(Same as GET above)

Example: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,3,12,13,14,15,16,12,1,1]

/var/boxname.json Array of a single string.

Contains the name of the box, limited to 20 characters
Example: [“Classroom B Matrix”]


Array of 16 strings.
Contains the names of all 16 input ports.
Example: [“Cable Box”, “Satellite Receiver”, “Demo Reel”, …]


Array of 16 strings.
Contains the names of all 16 output ports.
Example: [“Conference Room”, “Cafeteria”, …]


Array of 8 strings.
Contains the names of all 8 presets to be set
Example: [“Preset 1”, “Preset 2”, “week end”, …]


Array of 2 strings.
Contains a single digit string representing the user level requested, and a
second string representing the password.
Example: [“2”, “myAdminPassword”]


Array of 4 integers.
Set the following serial port settings: baud rate, data bits(7 or 8), parity
(0=>Even; 1=>Odd; 4=>None) ,stop bits (0=>1 stop bit; 2=>2 stop bits)
Example: [9600,8,4,0]


Array of 4 integers.
Set the IP address
Example: [10,0,101,96]
WARNING! This request will actually take effect after the DHCP
request will be sent


Array of 4 integers.
Set the mask address
Example: [255,255,0,0]
WARNING! This request will actually take effect after the DHCP
request will be sent


Array of 4 integers.
Set the gateway address
Example: [10,0,1,1]
WARNING! This request will actually take effect after the DHCP
request will be sent


Array of a single integer.
Set the DHCP state ON ([1]) or OFF ([0])
Example: [1]

/var/fanalarm.json Array of 4 integers.

Set the minimum RPM of the four internal fans before an alarm is raised
Example: [100,100,100,100]


Array of 2 integers.
Set the Min. and Max. temperature of the unit before an alarm is raised
Example: [5,70]

/var/alarmflags.json Array of 8 integers.

Set the alarm configuration: beep, email, serial feedback, dual power supply.
0=>OFF and 1=> ON (the last 4 integer are not used)
Example: [1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0]


Array of 2 strings.
Set the web administrator password
Example: [“old admin password”, “new admin password”]

var/pass_user.json Array of 2 strings.

Set the web user password
Example: [“old admin password”, “new user password”]


Reset the unit to factory settings
