Safe 2/safe 4 diagnostics, Original instructions – Rockwell Automation MSR42 Curtains Configuration and Diagnostic Software Tool User Manual User Manual

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Light Curtain Multi-Function Control Module User Manual

Original instructions

Figure 15: Safety distance example

4.3. Safe 2/Safe 4 Diagnostics

Select the “diagnosis” tab in the Safe 2/Safe 4 configuration window.

Figure 16: “Diagnosis” tab

Connect the Optical Interface to your PC via the USB connector and attach the suction cup to the receiver of your Safe 2 or Safe 4 Light Curtain. The
software establishes a communication after interrupting the protective field.

The software will detect the light curtain and monitor where the light curtain protective field is interrupted. The protective field viewer (

Figure 17)

displays the lowest and highest interrupted beams. Charting options are available to determine a pattern of which beams are interrupted vs. time
(History tab).

In this example showing that beams 15 through 40 were interrupted by an object. As only the highest and lowest interrupted beam information is
transmitted, nothing can be said with regards to the status of beams 16 to 39.

Distance between light
curtain pair

Minimum reflective surface distance
