Refreshing live and linked remote tables, Unlinking a table from a remote database – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

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Index Column - Specify the primary spatial index column from the list. This option is always available,

except when the index type is XY.

X Coordinate - Specify the X or longitude column in the database from the list. This is only available

for MapInfo (MICODE) or XY types. You can either choose a float column that was specified in the
New Table Structure dialog box or specify a new column by typing into the combo box's edit control.

Y Coordinate - Specify the Y or latitude column in the database from the list. This is only available

for MapInfo (MICODE) or XY types. You can either choose a float column that was specified in the
New Table Structure dialog box or specify a new column by typing into the combo box's edit control.

Styles Tab

Click the Styles tab and complete the appropriate selections:

Per Row Style - Check the Per Row Style check box to enable per row symbology. The style

information for each object is maintained in a character column of the table. If unchecked, then the
style of all objects in the table is determined by the default object styles maintained in the Map Catalog.

If Per Row Style is checked, then the Style Column combo box is enabled. By default Per Row Style
is checked and a new column named MI_STYLE is specified.

Style Column - Select from the list a character column that was specified in the New Table Structure

dialog box or a new column by typing into the combo box's edit control.

Default Object Styles - The default object styles are used when Per Row Style is not turned on for

a table, or the style info for a particular object does not exist (the style column for that row is empty).
The default style information specified here is entered into the map catalog. The default symbol, line,
and region settings within MapInfo Professional are used to initialize these controls.

Refreshing Live and Linked Remote Tables

If the table you are working with is linked, then refresh it to update your data with changes from the
remote database. If the table is live, MapInfo Professional reads the latest data from the table.

When you open a remote table, MapInfo Professional enables the Refresh DBMS Table

tool so you

can refresh the data in that table. Refreshing a table:

• Checks the database for changes.

• Reapplies any query conditions (these are static).

• If filtering using the current map or selection, then the filter always applies to the table. To set a different

map extent, reopen the table from the database.

To refresh a linked or live table:

1. Do one of the following:

• Click the Refresh DBMS Table

tool on the DBMS toolbar

• From the Table menu, select Maintenance > Refresh DBMS Table

• Press Ctrl+D in an active Browser window (clicking on a Browser window makes it active)

2. In the Refresh Table dialog box, select the table to refresh and then click OK.

The specified table refreshes.

Unlinking a Table from a Remote Database

You can unlink a table from its remote database using the Unlink DBMS Table menu option. Unlinking
a table removes the link to the remote database. This does not work if edits are pending on the linked
table, you must first update any pending edits with the Save Table menu option. The end product is a
normal MapInfo Professional base table without table linkages and non-editable fields made editable.

To unlink a table:


MapInfo Professional User Guide

Chapter 7: Working with Data in a DBMS
