Saving, closing, and exporting your work, Saving a mapinfo workspace, Exporting to geotiff (*.tif) format – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

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Saving, Closing, and Exporting Your Work

Preserving your work is an important part of being productive. MapInfo Professional has a wide variety
of ways you can save what you are working on, depending upon what needs to be saved and how you
need to retrieve it.

Saving a MapInfo Workspace

If you work with the same tables repeatedly, you know that opening each one individually every time
you use it can be tedious. With MapInfo Professional's workspace feature, you can automate this process
so you can get back to the business of creating maps and analyzing data sooner.

When you work with MapInfo Professional you generally use many different tables and windows. A Map
window, for instance, is likely to be built of several layers. MapInfo Professional uses workspaces to
save your work setup from session to session. Workspaces prevent you from having to reassemble all
the pieces of your earlier setup from scratch. So, you do not have to reopen tables, re-create maps or
layouts, resize windows, or do anything else just to duplicate what was on your desktop the last time
you were using MapInfo Professional.

Saving a workspace will not save edits you have made to tables in the workspace.


If you close a window or table and you have thematic maps, graphs, label settings or label edits, or
cosmetic objects pending, MapInfo Professional will prompt you to save the session to a workspace.

• For more information, see Saving a Workspace and Saving a Map Window as a .TAB File in the Help


• For instructions on saving a Map window as a .TAB file, see the Help System.

Saving Your Workspace as an XML-Based MWS File

You can save the maps in your workspace out to an XML format for use with MapXtreme (2004 or later)
applications. When saving a workspace to MWS format, only the map windows and legends are saved.
All other windows are discarded as MapXtreme applications cannot read that information. Once your
workspace is saved in this format, it can be opened with the Workspace Manager utility that is included
in the MapXtreme installation or with an application developed using MapXtreme. The file is valid XML
you can view it using any XML viewer or editor.

You can set the visibility of a modifier theme without regard to its reference feature layer, so you can
turn the visibility of the main reference layer off but still display the theme. In MapXtreme, the modifier
themes (Dot Density, Ranges, Individual Value) are only drawn if the reference feature layer is visible.
To ensure that modifiers marked as visible in MapInfo Professional display in tools like Workspace
Manager, we force the visibility of the reference feature layer so that its modifier themes display.

• For specific instructions, see Saving your Workspace as an XML-Based MWS File in the Help System.

• For more information, see Caveats for Saving Label Expressions to MWS and Caveats for Saving

Thematic Expressions to MWS in the Help System.

Exporting to GeoTIFF (*.tif) Format

MapInfo Professional includes the capability of exporting Map windows to GeoTIFF (*.tif) export format.
GeoTIFF files are designed to connect a raster image to its location on the earth. Georeferencing
information is written directly to the *.tif file so that it can be used in other applications. This section
explains the requirements for exporting maps to GeoTIFF format. Using GeoTIFF format has the following

• The window you are exporting is a Map window.

MapInfo Professional 12.5


Saving, Closing, and Exporting Your Work
