Setting your copy to clipboard preferences – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

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year for your data, then the years entered as 00-49 become 2000-2049 and years entered as 50-99
become 1950-1999.

To turn on date windowing:

1. On the Options menu, point to Preferences and click System Settings to open the System Settings

Preferences dialog box.

2. Select Set date window to and enter a number from 0-99 that will be the pivot year below which to

use the previous century.

The number you enter is shown in the example, which illustrates how the date will display with the
prefix 19 or 20. If you enter the number 14, then the example display as:

Years entered as 00-13 become 2000-2013

Years entered as 14-99 become 1914-1999

3. Click OK to close the dialogs and save your settings.

If you select the Turn date windowing off option, then MapInfo Professional uses the current century
for two-digit dates.

Setting Your Copy to Clipboard Preferences

By default, MapInfo Professional copies text, bitmaps, metafile items, and Map objects to the Clipboard.
You can choose which of these objects copy to the Clipboard as a software preference.

To set how you would like to copy objects to the Clipboard:

1. On the Options menu, point to Preferences and click System Settings to open the System Settings

Preferences dialog box.

2. Select the check boxes for those objects you want to copy to the Clipboard, or clear check boxes for

those objects that you do not.

Copy Text to Clipboard - Check to specify that you want text copied to the Clipboard.
Copy Bitmap to Clipboard - Check to specify that you want Bitmaps copied to the Clipboard.
Copy Windows Metafile (WMF) to Clipboard - Check to specify that you want metafiles copied

to the Clipboard.

Copy MapInfo Map Object to Clipboard - Check to specify that you want map objects copied to

the Clipboard.

3. Click OK to close the dialogs and save your settings.

Setting Your Clipboard to Copy Maps in to Word, Excel, or PowerPoint

To copy a map to the Clipboard and then past it in to a Microsoft Office document, such as Word, Excel
or PowerPoint, you must first customize the Clipboard behavior so that only specific types of metafiles
copy to the Clipboard.

1. On the Options menu, point to Preferences and click System Settings to open the System Settings

Preferences dialog box.

2. In the Copy to Clipboard group, check the Copy Enhanced Metafile (EMF) to Clipboard check


3. Choose one of the following:

Copy EMF to Clipboard - Choose this if you expect to bring your maps into an application that

supports only EMF, such as Microsoft's Office 2003.

Copy EMF+ to Clipboard - Choose this if you expect to bring your maps into an application that

supports EMF+, such as Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010.

Copy EMF+ Dual to Clipboard - Choose this (a combination of EMF and EMF+) to use your maps

in applications that may or may not support EMF+, such as when you have Microsoft's Office 2003
and Office 2007 on the same machine.

EMF+Dual format will produce a larger file than EMF+. But it provides better compatibility
with older application that do not support EMF+.


MapInfo Professional 12.5


Setting Your System Preferences
