Searching the table list, Working with layers in the layer control – Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual

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Searching the Table List

Searching Tables

You can search for a table name in the Table List by typing characters in the Search text box. The
Table List view refreshes itself to show only those tables that contain the search characters.

Clear Search

Typing in the Search text box causes the Search button to change to a Clear Search button. To clear
the contents of the Search text box, click the Clear Search button.

Working with Layers in the Layer Control

The Layer Control window lets you control the layers on display for all maps open in MapInfo Professional.

Select and Modify Many Layers at Once

Select multiple layers at once in the Layer list by using the Shift and Ctrl keys. Selecting a check box
for one of these layers then selects the check boxes for all selected layers. This is useful when turning
several layers off, because the map redraws only once instead of redrawing for each layer selection.

Modify multiple layers at once instead of having to modify layer properties one layer at a time. Use the
Shift and Ctrl keys to select multiple layers in the Layer list, and then click the Layer Properties button
to launch the Layer Properties dialog box. Changes apply to all selected layers making it easier to
ensure consistency in your layer settings. You can also set the style override for all selected layers by
clicking the style swatch for one of the layers, or set the labeling font for all the selected layers by
right-clicking on one of the layers and then choosing Label Font.

You can only modify a selection of similar layers; if you select different types of layers, such as a raster
layer and a pie theme, then the dialog box is not enabled.

Preview Style Changes before committing them

Style dialog boxes that are launched by clicking a style swatch for a layer in the Layer Control list include
a Preview button. Use this Preview button to see what the map will look like with your style changes
before committing the change. You can cancel the preview if you do not like what you see by clicking
the Cancel button in the style dialog box.

Apply Display and Label Overrides for when zooming the Map

At different zoom levels information on the map may be difficult to view. Changing (overriding) the display
style for specific zoom levels can help. As an example, to make the map easier to read, you may want
roadways to display using a thick line when zoomed in to the map, but a very thin line when zoomed out
of the map.

Right-clicking on a layer in the Layer Control list and clicking the Add a Display Override option creates
a display override for that layer. Right-clicking and clicking the Add a Label Override option creates an
override for labels for a layer. The first display override defaults to the zoom range of the layer. Adding
subsequent display overrides splits the zoom range of the first display override. You can then customize
the display style for the layer at each specific zoom level.

Reorder Layers

The Layer list has multi-select capabilities. To change the order of one or more contiguous layers, hold
down the Shift key, select the layers, and drag them up or down. To change the order of one or more
layers that are out of sequence, hold down the Ctrl key, select the layers, and drag them up or down.

When you begin to drag the layers, the cursor will change shape to represent the number of layers being
dragged. If you are dragging one layer, the cursor becomes an arrow icon with a single layer icon attached


MapInfo Professional User Guide

Chapter 3: The Basics of MapInfo Professional
