Digi-Star EZ 320 User Manual

Page 6

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MODEL 320 - System Operation:


To Clear the Preset Alarm:

Step 1) Press the [CLEAR] key twice.

containers after they have already been

This sets the display to zero's "000000" and
returns the scale to weighing.

By pressing the [CLEAR] key only once, a
new preset can be entered.

The current preset alarm condition is also
cleared if reloading a preset using the
feature is selected by setting Remote Input to
'PRESET' in the Long Form Setup. It is
activated by using the 20R TR option or by
momentarily connecting the "REMOTE" line

The following example demonstrates a feed

in the power cord to +12 Volts DC.

wagon on a platform scale:

Using the "REMOTE ZERO" feature of the

Step 1 -

Balance the scale.

20R TR option or "REMOTE" line in the

Step 2 -

Weigh and record the weight of

power cord also clear the preset.

the unloaded wagon.

To Preload a Tare Value:

Step 5 -

Place loaded wagon back on the

The scale also allows the "tare weight" to be
entered via the numeric keypad. This is
performed by entering the weight value on the
keypad and then by pressing the [TARE] key.

The preload tare feature is useful for weighing

loaded. If the weight of the container is
known, this "tare weight" is preloaded into
the scale and the net weight is displayed. The
"tare weight" is also sent to the printer.

Step 3 -

Pull the wagon off the scale and

Step 4 -

Enter the wagon's tare weight.

scale to see net weight.
