Digi-Star EZ 320 User Manual

Page 9

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MODEL 320 - System Operation:


To Re-Start the Mix Timer:

Step 1) Press the [TIMER] key twice (2)

Program the ingredient amounts required per

without entering a numeric value to start the

load. When recipe is loaded and indicator

mix timer using the time previously entered.

flashes "TOTAMT", the total amount

Entry Methods:

Press [LOAD/UNLOAD] to accept that

amount or enter a new total amount and the

There are three (3) different methods for

scale calculates new preset amounts.

programming recipes:

Entry Method

with 5500 Lbs of haylage and 4500 Lbs of

1 - Amount per Animal

shell corn. The recipe was then loaded for

2 - Percent (%) per Load

a "TOTAMT" of 10,000 Lbs. The scale

3 - Amount per Load

calculated presets for 5500 Lbs of haylage

NOTE: Recipes programmed in one method
will not be converted if a new entry method is

This same recipe could have been changed

selected. To convert a recipe to a new method,

the "TOTAMT" to 9,000 Lbs and the scale

erase and then re-program the recipe.

would have calculated presets for 4950 Lbs of

Entry Method #1 - Amount per Animal.
Program the ingredient amounts required for
feeding one (1) animal. When recipe is loaded

To Change the Entry Method:

and indicator flashes "ANIMAL", enter the
number of animals
to be fed. The scale

Step 1) Enter the "Long Form Setup Mode"

calculates the preset amounts required for

by pressing and holding the [NET/GROSS]

each ingredient.

key and then pressing the [ON] key. Continue

Example: A recipe had been programmed

and the scale displays the message "P-ALM".

with 18 Lbs of haylage and 16 Lbs of
shell corn for one (1) animal. The recipe
was then loaded for 100 "ANIMAL"'s.
The scale calculated presets for 1800 Lbs
of haylage and 1600 Lbs of shell corn.

Entry Method #2 - Percent (%) per
Program the ingredient amounts in
percentages (%). When recipe is loaded and
indicator flashes "TOTAMT", enter the total
amount to be loaded
. The scale calculates the
preset amounts required for each ingredient.

Example: A recipe had been programmed
with 55% of haylage and 45% of shell
corn. The recipe was then loaded for a
"TOTAMT" of 10,000 Lbs. The scale
calculated presets for 5500Lbs of haylage
and 4500 Lbs of shell corn.

Entry Method #3 - Amount per Load.

programmed for that recipe is displayed.

Example: A recipe had been programmed

and 4500 Lbs of shell corn.

haylage and 4050 Lbs of shell corn.

holding both keys until the indicator beeps
