Chapter 6, Uninstalling raptor software – Tech Source Raptor X Servers for Tru64 UNIX User Manual

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Chapter 6



6.1 Uninstalling Raptor X Servers for

Tru64 UNIX

The Tru64 UNIX utility, setld, must be used for uninstalling the
software. To check if you have Raptor software installed on your
machine, type:

prompt# setld –i | grep RAP

This will print out all Raptor patches like RAPFT, RAPTOR &
RAPMOX. To look for GFX package, type:

prompt# setld –i | grep GFX

Therefore, to uninstall them, type one or more of these appropriately:

prompt# setld –d GFXP502

prompt# setld –d RAPFT503

prompt# setld -d RAPTOR503

prompt# setld –d RAPMOX503

Warning: This uninstall procedure is not for use with older
versions of the Raptor software. The package name may be
different for the older version. When uninstalling a previous
release, it is important to use the procedure that was provided
with that release. The packages can be uninstalled in any order.
