National Instruments NI 6014 User Manual

Page 103

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NI 6013/6014 User Manual


stability, A-6
transfer characteristics, A-5
voltage output, A-5 to A-6

AOGND signal

analog output signal connections, 4-17
description (table), 4-3
I/O signal summary (table), 4-5


base address configuration, C-2
bipolar input range, 3-3
block diagram, 3-1


C API, using with NI-DAQ, C-2
cables. See also I/O connectors.

custom cabling, B-1
field wiring considerations, 4-40 to 4-41
optional equipment, 1-4
using with I/O connectors (table), 4-1

calibration, 5-1 to 5-3

external calibration, 5-2
loading calibration constants, 5-1 to 5-2
self-calibration, 5-2
specifications, A-8

charge injection, 3-4, C-4
commonly asked questions. See questions and


common-mode signal rejection

considerations, 4-16


description, 2-2 to 2-3
questions about, C-2

connectors. See I/O connectors.
conventions used in manual, xi-xii
CONVERT* signal

DAQ timing connections, 4-27 to 4-28
questions about, C-5
signal routing (figure), 3-5

correlated digital I/O. See digital I/O.
crosstalk, multiple channel scanning, C-4
custom cabling, B-1


DAC0OUT signal

analog output signal connections, 4-17
description (table), 4-3
I/O signal summary (table), 4-5

DAC1OUT signal

analog output signal connections, 4-17
description (table), 4-3
I/O signal summary (table), 4-5

DAQ timing connections, 4-21 to 4-30

AIGATE signal, 4-28
CONVERT* signal, 4-27 to 4-28
EXTSTROBE* signal, 4-30
SCANCLK signal, 4-29 to 4-30
SISOURCE signal, 4-29
STARTSCAN signal, 4-25 to 4-26
TRIG1 signal, 4-22 to 4-23
TRIG2 signal, 4-23 to 4-24
typical posttriggered acquisition

(figure), 4-21

typical pretriggered acquisition

(figure), 4-22

DAQ-STC system timing controller, 1-1, C-1
DGND signal

description (table), 4-3
I/O signal summary (table), 4-5

DIFF mode

description (table), 3-2
recommended input configuration

(figure), 4-9

differential connections, 4-10 to 4-13

ground-referenced signal sources, 4-11
nonreferenced or floating signal sources,

4-12 to 4-13

questions about, C-3
when to use, 4-10

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