ZyXEL Communications 10 User Manual

Page 222

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ZyWALL 10~100 Series Internet Security Gateway




Table 17-1 Content Filter: Categories



Gross Depictions

Selecting this category excludes pictures or descriptive text of anyone or anything which are
crudely vulgar or grossly deficient in civility or behavior, or which show scatological
impropriety. Includes such depictions as maiming, bloody figures, or indecent depiction of
bodily functions.


Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating prejudice or discrimination against
any race, color, national origin, religion, disability or handicap, gender, or sexual orientation.
Also includes intolerant jokes or slurs.


Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating devil worship, an affinity for evil or
wickedness, or the advocacy to join a cult. A cult is defined as a closed society headed by a
single individual where loyalty is demanded and leaving is punishable.

Drug Culture

Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating the illegal use of drugs for
entertainment. Includes substances used for other than their primary purpose to alter the
individual's state of mind, such as glue sniffing. This would exclude currently illegal drugs
legally prescribed for medicinal purposes.


Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating extremely aggressive and
combative behaviors, or advocacy of unlawful political measures. Topics include groups that
advocate violence as a means to achieve their goals. Includes "how to" information on
weapons making, ammunition making or the making or use of pyrotechnics materials. Also
includes the use of weapons for unlawful reasons.

Sex Education

Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating the proper use of contraceptives.
In addition, this category will include discussion sites on discussing diseases with a partner,
pregnancy and respecting boundaries. Excluded from this category are commercial sites
wishing to sell sexual paraphernalia.


Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating the sale, consumption, or
production of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.


Selecting this category excludes pictures or text advocating materials or activities of a dubious
nature which may be illegal in any or all jurisdictions, such as illegal business schemes, chain
letters, copyright infringement, computer hacking, phreaking (using someone's phone lines
without permission) and software piracy. Also includes text advocating gambling relating to
lotteries, casinos, betting, numbers games, on-line sports or financial betting, including non-
monetary dares.
