Modulation, Vintage univibe, Modern univibe – TC Electronic G-Major 2 User Manual

Page 47

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Vintage Univibe

The Vintage Univibe is an emulation of the

classic rotary speaker effect. The effects that

can be achieved with it range from a “phasey”,

thick chorus to lush vibrato. By switching

between the two Speed settings, you will

achieve a noticeable speed change similar to

the effect you hear when the rotary speaker in

a Leslie is turned on and off. As you will

discover though, Univibe is not a Leslie, but

rather has a character of its own.
Speed 1 & Speed 2

Range: 150 Hz to 10 kHz

Two speed settings can be set. By assigning an

external controller to switch between the two

speeds, you can “shift gears”. The greater the

difference between the two settings, the more

noticeable the speed change will be.

Range: 0 to 100 %

Defines the intensity of the pitch modulation.
Tempo 1 & Tempo 2

Range: Ignored, 1 to 1/32T

(T= Triplet & D= Dotted)

When set to any value between 1 and 1/32T,

the Global Tempo is subdivided according to

this setting. When set to “Ignored”, the speed

set using the Speed parameter is used instead.

The Tap Master parameter – located in

the Global menu – specifies whether

the Global tempo or the tempo set by

the Speed parameter in each preset

should be used at preset change.


Range: 0.05 to 5 sec

The attack parameter defines the time it takes

for the effect to go from slow to fast.

Beware that the parameters; Speed 1 and

Speed 2, have the same range and it is up to

you whether Speed 1 or Speed 2 is the


Range: 0.05 to 5 sec

Opposite to the Attack parameter, Release

defines the time that the effect takes to switch

from the faster Speed setting to the slower one.


Settings: Speed 1 / Speed 2

Use this parameter to specify whether Speed 1

or Speed 2 is the default setting for the effect. If

you assign a Modifier to this parameter, you can

switch between the two speeds e.g. by using a

MIDI pedal to send a MIDI CC message.

Settings: Direct/Delayed

This parameter defines how the effect behaves

when the effect is bypassed and when switching

between Speed 1 and Speed 2 within the same

preset. When "Direct" is selected, Univibe is

switched off immediately. When "Delayed" is

selected, you will hear that the speed slows

down gradually according to the setting of the

"Release" parameter.

Settings: Off/On

By turning the phase 180°, you will get a very

intense effect. Just try it!

Range: 0 to 100 %

This parameter sets the relationship between

the level of the dry signal and the level of the

effect in this block.
OutLev – Out Level

Range: -100 to 0 dB

This parameter sets the overall output level for

this effect.

Modern Univibe

Although it is equipped with the same

parameters as the Classic Univibe, the Modern

variation sounds quite different – slightly less

“swirley”, more radical and with more phasing.

