Midi monitor – ALESIS 03D User Manual

Page 248

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Chapter 19—MIDI

03D—Owner’s Manual

MIDI Monitor

The MIDI Moni. page is used to monitor data received at the MIDI IN and TO HOST
connections. Data is displayed in a hexadecimal format.

1. Use the [UTILITY] button to locate the MIDI Moni. page shown below.

MIDI data received at the MIDI IN connection is monitored in the MIDI INPUT
MONITOR window. Data received at the TO HOST connection is monitored in the TO
HOST INPUT MONITOR window. Status bytes with an MSB (Most Significant Byte)
of 1 are highlighted.

Active Sensing (FEH), MIDI Clock (F8H), and MTC Quarter Frame Messages (F1H
**H) can be filtered from the MIDI IN and TO HOST windows independently.

2. Use the cursor buttons to select the filter switches in the Filtering win-

dows and the [ENTER] button to turn them on and off.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the filter switches.
