Example seamax programming tasks – Impulse 463E User Manual

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SeaI/O User Manual

Example SeaMAX Programming Tasks

The following is a sampling of the various tasks that can be performed with the
SeaMAX library. For more complete examples, see the provided Visual C++ and
Visual Basic examples installed with the SeaMAX libraries.


The SeaMAX installation places all these examples in the SeaMAX
installation folder. Refer to those examples for more complete and
in-depth information.

Opening/Closing a SeaI/O Module

Whether in C++ or Visual Basic, the process of accessing the SeaMAX libraries
begins with the creation of a SeaMAX object. After creating the SeaMAX object,
Open() can be called with a string argument indicating where the resource exists –
either as COM resource or as a TCP/IP resource.
The following is an example of how to open a COM based SeaI/O module with an
RS-232 bridge, USB bridge, or direct RS-485 connection.

CSeaMaxW32 cw32;
char *portString = “sealevel_rtu://COM6”;
int result = cw32.Open(portString);

For a TCP/IP connection to a SeaI/O module with a Ethernet bridge, the example port
string below is valid. The code below is an example of how to open a TCP/IP
enabled SeaI/O module in Visual Basic.

dim seaMaxPointer as Long
dim portString as String

portString = “sealevel_tcp://”

seaMaxPointer = SeaMaxW32Create()
returnValue = SeaMaxW32Open(seaMaxPointer, portString)
