7 viewing l2cap channel connections, Viewing l2cap channel connections – Teledyne LeCroy BTTracer_Trainer - BTTracer Users Manual User Manual

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BTTracer Protocol Analyzer User’s Manual


SW Version 2.20

view higher protocol data, you will need to decode the messages (shown in
the next section). The decoded data will appear as new lines in the trace
called "Protocol Messages."

9.7 Viewing L2CAP Channel Connections

Once L2CAP messages have been decoded and displayed, you can check or
change their L2CAP channel connections by opening the L2CAP Decoding
Connections dialog box.

To view or change an L2CAP channel connection,

Step 1

Select from the menu bar
View>Decoding Assignments

The following dialog box will open.

Step 2

Click on a channel assignment and then look at the Connect
and Disconnect buttons on the far right of the dialog box.

If the Connect and Disconnect buttons are grayed-out, it means that
BTTracer made the channel assignments using data in the trace. You can
verify that BTTracer performed the assignments by looking at the text in
the "Slave Channel" box in the lower left corner of the dialog box. If
you see "Connection Recorded" it means that BTTracer performed the
channel assignments.

If BTTracer was not able to make these channel assignments, then the
Connect and Disconnect buttons on the right side of the dialog box will
be active. You can then assign and edit channel connections.

Step 3

Open the drop-down menu labeled LT_Addr (Active
Member Address). If possible, select an address other than
the currently displayed address.

The connections for the ’new’ device should now display.
