Options, General – Milestone XProtect Enterprise 2014 User Manual

Page 190

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Milestone XProtect




Administrator's Manual




1. If you want to change the configuration path, stop all services. This step is not necessary if

you want to change the default recording or archiving path.

2. On the Management Application menu bar, select Options > Default File Paths...

3. You can now overwrite the necessary paths. Alternatively, click the browse button next to the

field and browse to the location. For the default recording path, you can only specify a path to
a folder on a local drive. If you are using a network drive, you cannot save recordings if the
network drive becomes unavailable.

If you change the default recording or archiving paths and there are existing recordings at the
old locations, you must select whether you want to move the recordings to the new locations
(recommended), leave them at the old locations, or delete them.

4. Once changes are confirmed, restart all services.



In the General settings, you can change a number of settings that affect the general behavior and look
of the Management Application.

Automatic device discovery

Automatic device discovery (see "About automatic device discovery" on page 189) is turned off by
default in your system. Select the check box to enable this functionality. If the camera should use an
additional user name and password besides the camera's default user name and password, select the
Use the camera's default user name and password as well as the following credentials check
box and type the relevant credentials.

Note: Not all devices support automatic device discovery. If your system does not detect your camera
and add it to your system, you must manually add the camera.

Customer Dashboard

Choose if your system should send system information to the Customer Dashboard (see "About
Customer Dashboard"
on page 189).

System mode

Important: Do not change system mode unless you are absolutely sure that you want the new setting
to be in effect immediately after saving.

At some point in time when you save recordings on your system, the storage you save recordings on
may become full. Your system offers you two system modes which handle this scenario differently,
Classic mode and Evidence collection mode.

Classic mode means that the system automatically deletes the oldest saved recordings in
order to make room for new recordings. This is how saved recordings have been handled so
far in all previous versions of your system. When you remove a hardware device in the
Management Application, recordings from the relevant device are deleted from your storage.
