Polling, Port, Post-recording – Milestone XProtect Enterprise 2014 User Manual

Page 206: Pre-alarm, Pre-buffer, Pre-recording, Privacy masking, Recording

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Milestone XProtect




Administrator's Manual



Glossary of Terms

available, by sending a small amount of data to
see if it responds. The word ping was chosen
because it mirrors the sound of a sonar. You
send the ping command using a Windows
command prompt.


Regularly checking the state of something, for
example, whether input has been received on
a particular input port of a device. The defined
interval between such state checks is often
called a polling frequency.


Logical endpoint for data traffic. Networks use
different ports for different types of data traffic.
Therefore it is sometimes, but not always,
necessary to specify which port to use for
particular data communication. Most ports are
used automatically based on the types of data
included in the communication. On TCP/IP
networks, port numbers range from 0 to 65536,
but only ports 0 to 1024 are reserved for
particular purposes. For example, port 80 is
used for HTTP traffic, which is used when
viewing web pages.


(Also PoS) Point of sale: the physical place
where a sale is made, for example, at the cash


The ability to store recordings from periods
following motion and/or specified events.
Based on incoming video being buffered on
the XProtect Enterprise server in case it is
going to be needed for a motion- or event-
triggered recording. Using post-recording can
be highly advantageous: if, for example, you
have defined that video should be recorded
while a gate is open, being able to see what
happens immediately after the gate is closed
may also be important.


Pre-alarm images is a feature available for
selected cameras only. It enables the sending
of images from immediately before an event
took place from the camera to XProtect
Enterprise via e-mail.


See the description of Pre-recording.


The ability to store recordings from periods
preceding detected motion and/or specified
events. Based on incoming video being
buffered on the XProtect Enterprise server in
case it is going to be needed for a motion- or
event-triggered recording. Using pre-recording
can be highly advantageous: if, for example,
you have defined that video should be
recorded when a door is opened, being able to
see what happened immediately prior to the
door being opened may also be important.

Privacy masking

The ability to define if and how selected areas
of a camera's view should be masked before
distribution. For example, if an XProtect
Enterprise camera films a street, you can mask
certain areas of a building (for example,
windows and doors) with privacy masking in
order to protect residents' privacy.


Pan-tilt-zoom. A highly movable and flexible
type of camera.


Personal Unblocking Key or PIN Unlock Key

number used as an extra security measure for
SIM cards.



On IP video surveillance systems, recording
means saving video and, if applicable,
