Introduction – Innovate Motorsports OT-2 SDK User Manual

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Welcome to the world of OT-1b/2 Programming! Hopefully, this document and the
accompanying sample applications should make the process trivial… or not…

Seriously, our policy with regards to the OT-1b/2 SDK is full disclosure and an emphasis
on 3


party support. If there is a question that is not answered here, just ask. Likewise, if

there is a feature that would make the OT-1b/2 work better (or work at all!) for your
application, let us know. We can always be reached at

[email protected]


Further, the enclosed is not covered by any form of Non Disclosure Agreement, so feel
free to share information with other developers. But again, the policy here is disclosure.
So, if you find a ‘back door’ which is useful to you, it is best to let us know. That way,
we will not accidentally ‘close it’ in future firmware updates, etc.

SDK Scope

Because Innovate has released various “SDKs” and specifications over the years, it is
probably worth covering where this SDK fits in the overall scheme of things. This will
also introduce you to some long standing Innovate ‘buzz words’. Here is (roughly) the
state of public and not so public information just prior to this SDK:

At the lowest ‘public’ level in the chart above is the “Serial 2” or “MTS” Protocol
specification. Our original product, the LM-1, uses a slightly different serial protocol, but
all other devices, including the OT-1b and OT-2, automatically convert that protocol to
