Campbell Scientific CC640 Digital Camera User Manual

Page 50

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Appendix B. DC Heater Kit

The steps for installation are

1. Attach the heater to the camera enclosure window

2. Wire the field power cable to the camera and to the camera cable

3. Connect the field power cable to the heater cable

4. Install the solid state relay into the logger enclosure

5. Wire the solid state relay to the logger

6. Program the logger to control the relay

7. Peel the backing from the heater to expose the adhesive and attach the

heater so that when the camera is positioned fully against the camera
window, it looks through the center of the heater. The only requirement is
that the camera lens be centered on the window of the heater.

8. Run the heater wires under the camera towards the rear of the enclosure.

FIGURE B-2. Heater Properly Place in the Enclosure

9. Wire the field power cable inside the camera enclosure to the camera

ground and to the source of power for the camera heater.

The lead marked (-) is inserted into the Gnd connection of the camera

The lead marked (+) attached to the power source from the solid state relay
and secured with the wire nut.

