Campbell Scientific SDM-IO16 16-Channel Input/Output Expansion Module User Manual

Page 19

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SDM-IO16 16 Channel Input/Output Expansion Module

P188 SDM-IO16



SDM address 0-15.


Command number 0-255.


Ports 16-13 Mode 0-9999.


Ports 12-9 Mode 0-9999.


Ports 8-5 Mode 0-9999.


Ports 4-1 Mode 0-9999.


Location number for return code.


Start location number for values.

09:FP Multiplier.
10:FP Offset.

The codes after the parameter number indicate the entry type, where 99 and
9999 signify two or four digit integer entries and FP indicates a floating point
number entry, e.g. 1.234. The range of values you would enter with the
SDM-IO16 is shown after the description of some parameters. A detailed
description of the individual parameters follows.

Parameter 01 sets the SDM address number (see figure 5). This instruction
accepts the address in decimal form. The factory setting is 0.

Parameter 02 specifies the command number, which is the main way of
controlling what the SDM-IO16 does in response to a specific call of P188.
The range of commands is described in Section 6.4.

Parameters 03…06 allows the entry of four digit numbers which allow a
simple method of setting up the state or method of operation of each I/O port
on the module. These parameters are only functional with commands 86...90,
otherwise they can be left at zero. Each digit relates to one I/O port on the
module in the order shown above; for example 03 relates to Ports 16-13, 06
relates to Ports 4-1 etc. Ports are read in descending numerical order from left
to right.

Available modes are:
0 = Output logic low
1 = Output logic high
2 = Input digital, no debounce filter
3 = Input switch closure 3.17msec debounce filter
4 = Input digital interrupt enabled, no debounce filter
5 = Input switch closure interrupt enabled 3.17msec, debounce filter
6 = Undefined.
7 = Undefined.
8 = Undefined.
9 = No change.

For example parameter 3 for ports 16-13 could be 9213 which from the list
below would set port 16 = no change in operation, port 15 = digital input,
port 14 = output logic 1 and port 13 = switch closure input.

Parameter 07 specifies the input location number to hold a counter to indicate
errors in communicating with the SDM-IO16. All communication between the
SDM-IO16 and the datalogger is error checked. If, for any reason, there is an
error then the datalogger will retry the instruction 3 times before continuing
with the next instruction. If, after 3 retries, the communication was not
successful, then the number in this location will increment. If later
communication is successful then this location will be reset to zero. This
counter is used normally only to diagnose problems with SDM
communications which may require more careful wiring of the SDM bus or

