Section 7: status monitor – HID DTC1000/4000/4500 User Guide LINUX & MAC User Manual

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Fargo DTC1000/DTC4000/DTC4500 CUPS Driver User Guide - LINUX (L001452, Rev 1.2)


Section 7: Status Monitor

Status Monitor (SM) is an independent application and is launched through the driver. SM
remains active during the rendering process and completion of print job. Driver deactivates it
after finishing the print job.

SM communicates with printer bidirectional over the PortComm module of the driver. In
contrast, the communication with CUPS is carried out over a http connection.

SM converts Printer status and error messages to text messages and reports them to CUPS.
In case of an error SM sets the status to Error. A pop-up dialog box with appropriate
message will be presented to user.

The new Driver is bidirectonal and requires libusb. The installation of the Driver, Status
Monitor and libusb are made through package installation.

SM consist of two files, an .ini file and a binary executable. Ini file is a “printer model” specific
file. e.g. DTC4000.ini

Here is an example of pop-up status message from printer.
