Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 507

background image



decompression The process of creating a viewable image from a compressed digital image file.
See also compression.

definition The clarity of details in an image. See also resolution.

Definition parameter An Enhance adjustment parameter in Aperture used to adjust the clarity
of details in an image. See also Enhance adjustment.

Definition Quick Brush A type of Quick Brush adjustment that adds clarity and reduces haze
without adding too much contrast to the area of the image the adjustment is brushed on. See
also adjustment, Brush HUD, definition, Quick Brushes.

demote In Aperture, the process of moving a photo in a stack away from the pick position. See
also full-screen view toolbar, image, pick, promote, stack.

densitometer An instrument designed to measure the optical density of photographs. See also
device characterization.

density The ability of an image to reproduce distinct dark colors. An image with high definition
in the darker colors is referred to as dense. See also contrast, flat.

depth of field The area of the photo that appears in focus from the foreground to the
background. Depth of field is determined by a combination of the opening of the aperture and
the focal length of the lens. See also aperture, background, focal length, foreground.

desaturate To remove color from an image. Complete desaturation results in a grayscale image.
See also Black & White adjustment, grayscale, saturation.

destination profile The working-space profile that defines the results of a color conversion from
a source profile. See also profile.

Detect Edges A Brush HUD setting in Aperture that examines differences in pixel values to
determine possible hard edges and then restricts the brush from affecting pixels beyond those
edges, making it easier to paint adjustments into specific areas of the photo. See also Brush HUD.

device characterization The process of creating a unique, custom profile for a device such as a
display or printer. Characterizing a device involves specialized dedicated hardware and software
to determine the exact gamut of the device. See also calibration, gamut.

device dependent Describes color values that are contingent upon the ability of a device to
reproduce those colors. For example, some colors produced by displays cannot be reproduced
on paper by a printer. The colors produced by the display are outside the gamut of the printer.
Therefore, those colors are considered to be device dependent. See also gamut.

device independent Describes standard color spaces, such as CIE Lab and XYZ, where the
interpretation of a color is not dependent on a specific device. See also color space, Commission
Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE)

Devignette adjustment An adjustment in Aperture used to correct unwanted vignetting
applied to the image at the time it was captured. See also Vignette adjustment, vignetting.

diffused lighting A type of light that is scattered across the subject or scene. Diffused lighting
results in a photo with low contrast and detail, as seen in photos shot outdoors on an overcast
day. See also contrast, flat.

67% resize factor
