Apple Aperture 3.5 User Manual

Page 522

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Sharpen adjustment An adjustment in Aperture used to sharpen images. See also adjustment,
Edge Sharpen adjustment, image.

Sharpen Quick Brush A type of Quick Brush adjustment that sharpens the area of the image the
adjustment is brushed on. See also adjustment, Brush HUD, Quick Brushes.

shortcut menu A menu you access by holding down the Control key and clicking an area of the
interface, or by pressing the right mouse button.

shutter A complicated mechanism, usually consisting of a blade or a curtain, that precisely
controls the duration of time light passing through the lens remains in contact with the digital
image sensor. See also shutter speed.

shutter priority A setting on certain cameras that automatically sets the aperture for a correct
exposure based on the shutter speed set by the photographer. See also aperture priority,

shutter speed The length of time the shutter is open or the digital image sensor is activated or
charged. Shutter speeds appear as fractions of a second, such as 1/8 or 1/250. See also shutter.

sidelighting Light that hits the subject from the side, perpendicular to the angle of the camera.
See also backlighting, frontlighting.

silhouette A photo in which the subject is a solid dark shape against a bright background.
Extreme backlighting, such as a sunset, can cause the silhouette effect when your subject is
placed in the foreground. See also backlighting, foreground.

skimming The act of quickly navigating through photos of a person in Faces view or photos
within a project in Projects view by slowly dragging over the thumbnail representing the person
in Faces view or the project in Projects view. See also Faces view, Projects view.

Skin Smoothing Quick Brush A type of Quick Brush adjustment used to smooth a person’s skin
by subtly blurring wrinkles and skin pores in the area of the image the adjustment is brushed on.
See also adjustment, Brush HUD, Quick Brushes.

slide See positive.

slider In Aperture, a control that can be dragged forward or backward to make an adjustment.
Sliders can be found in the Adjustments inspector and the Adjustments pane of the Inspector
HUD. See also adjustment, HUD, Inspector HUD.

slideshow An animated presentation of a series of photos. In Aperture, you can combine photos
with music and video to create multimedia slideshows that you can play on your computer
(using one or two displays) or export as slideshow movies.

Smart Album Dynamic albums in Aperture used to organize photos, audio clips, and video clips
by gathering versions based on search criteria. See also album, Smart Settings HUD, version.

Smart Settings HUD A floating window used to specify search criteria, such as adjustments,
keywords, ratings, and EXIF metadata, for the purpose of gathering photos that match into a
Smart Album. See also EXIF, keywords, rating, Smart Album.

soft lighting See diffused lighting.

soft proof The onscreen simulation by a display of the expected output from a printer or press.

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