Labeling a submaster, Deleting a submaster, Paging submasters – ETC Element v2.1.0 User Manual

Page 114: Labeling a submaster deleting a submaster

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Element User Manual

channels already in submaster 5.

[Channel list] [Update] [Sub] [5] [Enter] - adds only the specified channels to submaster 5.

[Update] [Submaster Bump Button] - pressing [Update] and then the submaster’s bump

button will update that submaster.

Labeling a Submaster

Submasters can be labeled using the [Label] key.

[Sub] [6] [Label] [xxxx] [Enter] - labels submaster 6.

Deleting a Submaster

You can delete a submaster using the [Delete] key. When a submaster is deleted, the fader
remains configured as a submaster, but it will be empty.

[Delete] [Sub] [5] [Enter] [Enter] - deletes the contents of sub 5.

Paging Submasters

Element has a total of 300 submasters. With the fader position switch in submaster mode, an
Element 60 will display 60 submasters, and an Element 40 will display 40 submasters at a time.
Element will default to the first 40 or 60 submasters. To page through the available submasters,
hold down the {Page Subs} softkey in the live display. The first few bump buttons will light up in
green, and the bump buttons that correspond to the currently selected pages will flash. Press the
corresponding bump button to go to that page. The fader status display will change to show the
submaster pages.

The selected page will appear in white.

N o t e :

Labeling requires the use of a mouse, touchscreen, or external keyboard.

Pages Available on Element 40

First 8 Bump Buttons of each

submaster row will page.

Pages Available on Element 60

First 5 bump buttons of each

submaster row will page.
