9 safety and occupational health instructions, Safety and occupational health instructions, 5 checks – Retsch Cryomill User Manual

Page 52: Caution, 1 general

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Safety and occupational health instructions


The grinding tools may become worn, depending on the frequency of the grinding
operation and the sample material. The grinding jars and the balls should be
regularly checked for wear and replaced if necessary.

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8.5 Checks

Pos : 9. 12 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/Cr yoMill II /0010 R ei nigung Wartung Versc hleiß /0002 CryoMill I I Modul Pr üf ung en @ 5\ mod_1343830767106_9. doc @ 33499 @ @ 1

Correct functioning of the hood switch must be checked regularly.

Switch on the machine with switch (K).

Start grinding operation with start button (B13 - Start).

Lift the hood.

If there is an opening gap of a few cm the machine switches itself off and F04
appears in the display.

Cancel F04 with stop button (B13 - Stop).

If this switching-off function does not take place the CryoMill must be checked
immediately by Retsch-Service.

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9 Safety and occupational health instructions

Pos : 10.2 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/Cr yoMill/0101 Warnhinweis e/Cr yoMill G eneral VOR SICHT Verl etzungsgef ahr von Augen und H aut durc h s tar ke Erfrierungen @ 0\ mod_1226927213362_9.doc @ 3750 @ @ 1


Danger of injury to eyes and skin
Frostbites through liquid nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of

–196 °C and may cause

injuries similar to burns on skin or eye contact or cause frostbite.

Always use goggles and wear protective gloves when
opening the cooling casing and the grinding jar.

Pos : 10.3 /00010 Bedi enungsanleit ung en Kapitels ammlungen/Cr yoMill/0101 Warnhinweis e/Cr yoMill G eneral VOR SICHT Ver wendung von flüssigem Stic ks toff @ 0\ mod_1226927515928_9.doc @ 3756 @ @ 1


Use of liquid nitrogen

Retsch GmbH rules out any liability claims that may arise in the
use of liquid nitrogen or similar cooling agents.

Please observe the safety regulations of the cooling liquid

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9.1 General

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This section summarises the general occupational health and safety guidelines for
the handling of liquid nitrogen.


Handling liquid nitrogen

General hazardous situations

The following hazardous situations may arise in the handling of liquid
