Tabbed screens, Lut write and read, Write and read controls – AJA LUT-box User Manual

Page 12: Write lut procedure, Write and read controls write lut procedure

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LUT-box Mini-Converter v2.1r1


When configuring the Mini-Converter, select it from the top pulldown, view the current
settings and change any values. Any changes you make are immediately implemented,
overwriting previous settings and are saved to the Mini-Converter’s non-volatile

Tabbed Screens

The Tabs delineate control screens with groups of controls for each type of task to be
performed. The controls for the actual configuration parameters are specific to each
Mini-Converter type. Click on any of the tab buttons and the screen below will change to
match. Each of these screens are described on the following pages.

LUT Write and Read

Write and Read


The LUT-box Mini-Converter has additional controls for writing external LUT data into a
1D or 3D LUT slot, and reading LUT data from a slot to send to an external location, using
USB. On a Mac these controls are located on the top menu bar (

Figure 9

), while on a PC

they are located at the top of the MiniConfig application window (

Figure 10


Figure 9. LUT Write and Read Controls Location: Mac

Figure 10. LUT Write and Read Controls Location: PC

You can write and read LUT data from any of the MiniConfig tabbed screens. However,
selecting which LUT to use, and performing A/B comparisons between the LUTs, is
accomplished from the LUT tabbed screen.


A currently enabled and selected LUT slot will immediately display the results of any new LUT
data that is written to that slot.

Write LUT Procedure

To write LUT data into a Slot, do the following:

1. Click on either the 1D-LUT or 3D-LUT menu name at the top of the screen, and then

select from the drop down menu either Write to Slot A or Write to Slot B.

2. A browser will open, allowing you to navigate to any location the computer can

access (

Figure 11

