Bio-Rad PDS-1000 / He™ and Hepta™ Systems User Manual

Page 40

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Section 6

6.1 Rupture Disk Bursts at Incorrect Pressure

Probable Cause


1. The helium flow rate is too fast.

Note the helium burst pressure by observing the

helium pressure gauge at the top of the main unit. A

factory pre-set metering valve (black knob) on the

external 3-way helium metering (solenoid) valve

assembly controls the fill rate of the gas accelera-

tion tube. The proper fill rate is 12–15 seconds to

burst a rupture disk when the helium pressure is set

200 psi over the rated rupture pressure. A more rapid

fill rate may result in what appears to be a lower

burst pressure, due to a lag of needle movement in

the oil-filled gauge.
The metering valve (black knob) may be adjusted if

desired. Adjust knob in small increments: a clockwise

rotation of the black knob will lengthen the fill rate.

2. The improper disk was inserted or Replace with single, desired psi rupture disk.

two disks are sandwiched together.

3. The retaining cap was not securely

This is frequently the case when the disk slips out


of the retaining cap. It is important to screw the

cap onto the end of the gas acceleration tube by

hand and then use the torque wrench.

4. The rupture disks are not clean.

Use tweezers or disc-vac to handle the disks after

briefly rinsing in isopropanol. Do not handle with

bare or gloved hands (grease and powder source).

5. The sealing edge of the Gas

Occasionally adhesive from the rupture disks

Acceleration Tube is not clean.

(laminated disks) may build up on the edge of this

part. This can be cleaned by using a mild, non-

abrasive detergent, like dish soap, to remove the

accumulated adhesive.

6. The sealing edge (inside

The edge of this part is susceptible to physical

bombardment chamber) of the

damage if the retaining cap is tightened without a

Gas Acceleration Tube is damaged. rupture disk in place. If damage has occurred such that

the disk will not rupture, you must replace this part.

7. Rupture disk is defective.


6.2 Stopping Screen Forced Through Screen Support Ring

Probable Cause


1. The screen has been “unseated”

Carefully insert the Microcarrier Launch Assembly into

from support

bombardment chamber to prevent movement of stop-

ping screen. This screen movement can also occur if

you close the bombardment chamber door too forcefully.

2. The stopping screen support ring

Examine the support ring for evidence of scratches

is damaged.

or dents on the support ring that might prevent the

screen from seating properly.

