BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 40/50 User Manual

Page 104

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EHSI Displays

the DME to the VOR/ILS con -
trol head. It is, therefore, up to
the pilot to recognize that
when the DME distance infor -
mation color changes to white
and the orange “ H” is dis -
played, the distance presented
is probably not paired to the
VOR/ILS control head frequen -

Hold is a pilot selected mode of
operation for the DME. Once the
pilot selects hold, it is the pilot


responsibility to remember where
the DME is HELD.

DME and DME HOLD operation
may vary greatly from installation
to installation. This variation in
operation is directly dependent
upon the number and types of
DME installed. To best under-
stand how these two functions
work in a particular installation,
refer to the aircraft flight manual
supplement or cont act the
installing agency for a detailed
e x p l a n a t i o n .


The rotating light blue single bar
#1 Bearing Pointer points in the
direction of the selected bearing
sensor ground station (or way-
point when in the LNAV or RNAV
m o d e ) .

The rotating magenta double bar
#2 Bearing Pointer performs the
identical function for #2 bearing
sensor systems.

If the selected bearing sensor is

not receiving valid data, the Bear-
ing pointer assigned to that bear-
ing source will not be displayed
and a RED X will be drawn
through the selected bearing
source annunciator at the bottom
left or right of the display. The
associated distance data will
remain displayed if valid.

If the compass card is MAG
(magnetic) referenced, TRUE
bearing sensor pointers, such as
LNAV, may be displayed if valid
mag var (magnetic variation) is
provided to the EFS 40/50. In
this case, the TRUE sourced
bearing pointer information will
be converted to MAGNETIC ref-

If the compass card is TRUE ref-
eren ced, MAGNETIC bearing

sensor pointers, such as VOR
and ADF, may be displayed if
valid mag var (magnetic varia-
tion) is provided to the EFS
40/50. In this case, the MAG-
NETIC sourced bearing pointer
information will be converted to
TRUE reference.

In most cases mag var is provid-
ed by an LNAV. In a single
LNAV installation the EFS 4 0 / 5 0
will use the single mag var
source to compute display cor-
rection for both number 1 and
number 2 sensors. In dual LNAV
installations with an LNAV select-
ed as the primary nav source,
that LNAV is the only source of
mag var. In dual LNAV installa-
tions with a primary nav source
other than an LNAV, the mag var


Issued 8/10

SW 04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12/13/14/15/16

Section 4.1mp 9/9/10 1:45 AM Page 4.1.9

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