8 upgrading the software, 1 determine current software and version, Upgrading the software -14 – CANOGA PERKINS 6703 CWDM Transponder User Manual

Page 26: Determine current software and version -14, Figure 17. software upgrade screen -14

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EdgeAccess Universal Chassis System

3.8 Upgrading



Each 6703 has two flash memory banks for storing firmware:

• Active Flash Memory holds the software in current use
• Inactive Flash Memory holds the software upgrade after downloading; can be swapped with the

firmware in active memory

Use the Software Upgrade report and menu screen to check the current version of the firmware and
upgrade it, if necessary. All 6703 modules within the system must run the same version of software.
Check the readme file for the newer software to be sure that you need the upgrade.

Because downloading a software upgrade takes some time, the software is downloaded to the inactive
memory to avoid disrupting service. Swapping the active and inactive memory banks automatically
resets the module.

Note: The specific steps in this process vary, depending on the availability of a DMM to

automatically upload software revisions to all modules directly from the software source.

If you manage your 6703 through a DMM, you can download the file from the Canoga Perkins
website to your hard drive. Use the DMM to TFTP the file into the DMM library and, from there, to
the 6703. For details, see the Model 1500 Domain Management Module User Manual.

3.8.1 Determine Current Software and Version

To determine the current software version used by the 6703, follow these steps:

1. At the Main Menu, type


, "Software Upgrade," the Software Upgrade screen appears. See

Figure 17.


Active Firmware 01.68
Inactive Firmware 01.65
Bootcode 05.10

1 Software Reset Reset
2 Swap Bank Swap

3 Get New File with TFTP
4 Copy Active bank to Inactive Bank

Figure 17. Software Upgrade Screen

2. View and record the Active Firmware and Inactive Firmware versions. If the module has been

updated, the Inactive and Active Firmware version numbers differ. The lower number, such as
1.33, is older than the higher number, such as 1.44. If the module has not been updated, the
Active and Inactive Firmware version numbers are the same.

If a newer version of Firmware is available for the 6703, you can download it from the Canoga
Perkins website or, if you cannot access the Internet, call Canoga Perkins at 818-718-6300.

CWDM Transponder Model 6703

