Intellijel Cylonix Shapeshifter v1.03 User Manual
Page 23

The SHAPESHIFTER module contains a 64-slot memory for storing parameter settings (called presets). All 64 of
these preset slots can be written to by the user to save interesting settings. However, only 12 of these preset
slots are in non-volatile memory (i.e. they persist after turning the power off) and the other 52 slots are in
volatile memory (i.e. they disappear once the power is turned off). The 12 non-volatile presets can be used to
store your favorite settings for future use and are very useful in setting up the module for performances. The
52 volatile presets can be used as a scratchpad for testing out new ideas (which can then be copied to a non-
volatile preset if desired) or to set up sequences for use in the PRESET STEP mode. The contents of the 52 vola-
tile presets are initialized to interesting settings upon powerup of the module (these are described in Appendix
B). Users may find these useful as examples showing how to apply various aspects of the module, or they can
just use the sounds as is in their performances. Of course, these volatile presets can be modified and overwrit-
ten as needed.
The user interacts with the preset memories while the module is in PRESET MODE. This mode is entered by
pushing on the rotary encoder. The red LED above the rotary encoder will illuminate indicating that the mod-
ule is now in PRESET MODE. Pushing the encoder a second time will leave PRESET MODE.
Once in preset mode the buttons to the left of the rotary encoder change their function to allow the user to
interact with the preset memories. There are four primary operations that can be done: SAVE, STEP, MORPH,
and LOAD.
When PRESET MODE is first entered, the LCD display shows the currently selected preset. If this is preset 1
through 12 (one of the non-volatile memory slots) the display will read “UserPrNN” (where NN is a number
from 1 to 12). If one of the volatile presets is selected the display will read “PresetNN” (where NN is a number
from 13 to 64). The selected preset can be changed by turning the rotary encoder.
SAVE: While in preset mode the current parameter settings can be stored to the currently selected preset
memory slot. To do this, first get into the state where the LCD display is showing the currently selected preset
number (i.e. “PresetNN” or “UserPrNN”). If the module is in STEP or MORPH mode this state can be reached
just by pressing either the WAVE BANK/SAVE or the CHORD TYPE/MULTI/LOAD buttons. Once the preset
number is being displayed, use the rotary encoder to change the preset number to the slot in which you want
to save. Then press the WAVE BANK/SAVE button (top button to the left of the encoder). The LCD display will
change to show “Save? NO”. If you do not actually want to save to this preset (because, for example, you
pressed the button by accident or you changed your mind) just press the WAVE BANK/SAVE button again and
nothing will happen. If you really do want to save to the preset, then turn the rotary encoder. The LCD display
will now show “Save?YES”. Press the WAVE BANK/SAVE button to save to the preset memory.
LOAD: When the LCD display is showing the preset number (i.e. showing “PresetNN” or “UserPrNN”) pressing
the CHORD TYPE/MULTI/LOAD button (bottom button to the left of the encoder) will cause the contents of the
currently selected preset to be read and the module’s parameters updated with these stored values. Immedi-
ately after a preset is loaded, the panel controls will be set to soft pickup. This means that turning the knobs
on the panels will not have any effect until the position of the knob is equivalent to the value of the loaded
preset. This may take some getting used to, as it may appear at first that the module is broken since the knobs
no longer seem to work. But there is a good reason for doing things this way. It allows the sound made by the
module upon loading of a preset to accurately represent the state of the module when the preset was saved,
even though the panel controls may be in different positions. Otherwise the presets may sound different when
loaded, depending on how the panel controls are set. When the PRESET MODE is exited, however, the soft
pickup is turned off, and all parameter values immediately jump to the current panel settings (hard pickup).