Crew’s quarters muting – GAI-Tronics 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface User Manual

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Pub. 42004-371B

Model 10961-001 AMI Centra-Page Interface

Page: 15 of 22

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Crew’s Quarters Muting

The crew’s quarters speakers are normally muted and no alarms or pages are broadcast. The Model
10961-001 Interface has an output that allows the crew’s quarters speakers to be unmuted so that selected
alarms can be heard. The output can be set up so that it is active when one or all of the first three alarms
are played.

Jumpers P1 to P3 are used to select alarms 1 to 3. Putting the jumper across positions 1 and 2 makes the
output inactive for that alarm and putting the jumper in positions 2 and 3 activates the output for that
alarm. The output is on TBX04 on the AMI Centra-Page Interface’s 69542-001 PCBA. It is position 9 of
TBX04 and will have a black wire long enough to connect to the back panel of the Crew’s Quarters
terminal block.




Figure 9. Crew’s Quarters Jumpers on the 69542-001 PCBA in the

Model 10961-001AMI Centra-Page Interface

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