Deutsch, Optrasculpt – Ivoclar Vivadent OptraSculpt v.1.pdf User Manual

Page 3

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It is recommended to use the pyramid-shaped tips to
accentuate fissures (Class I and II) and to create detailed

– The OptraSculpt handle can be autoclaved.
– The modelling tips are intended for single use and must

be removed prior to sterilization in an autoclave.

– As small parts present a potential aspiration hazard, the

use of rubber dam is recommended.

Keep out of the reach of children!
For use in dentistry only!

Date information prepared: 05/2004
Revision 0

Ivoclar Vivadent AG, FL-9494 Schaan/Liechtenstein

This material has been developed solely for use in dentistry.
Processing should be carried out strictly according to the Instructions
for Use. Liability cannot be accepted for damages resulting from
failure to observe the Instructions or the stipulated area of
application. The user is responsible for testing the materials for
their suitability and use for any purpose not explicitly stated in the
Instructions. Descriptions and data constitute no warranty of
attributes and are not binding.



Das OptraSculpt besteht aus zwei Basisinstrumenten und
einem Sortiment elastischer Modellieraufsätze zur Einmal-
verwendung in sechs verschiedenen Formen.
Durch die geringe Haftung der Modelliersaufsätze an
Füllungscomposites, ermöglicht das OptraSculpt eine kom-
fortable Verarbeitung aller gängigen Compositematerialien.

Formen Basisinstrumente

Aufsätze für das Modellier-Instrument

1 Zylinder
Zervikale Inkremente bei Klasse I +
II Restaurationen

2 Zylinder schräg
Randleisten, zervikale Ränder von Klasse V

3 Spatel
Klasse V Füllungen, alle Labial- und Bukkalflächen
(bzw. generell Glattflächen); Entfernung von


OptraSculpt doppelendig

OptraSculpt einendig mit einem

permanenten Heidemann-Spatel
