Wan config button, Wan config button -7, Chapter 7: magnum router gui manager – Marathon MAGNUM ROUTER User Manual

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Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager



WAN Config Button

Click the WAN Config button on the Magnum Router Manager main screen, press ALT-W, or
select WAN Configuration from the Settings menu to access the WAN Configuration screen.

In a frame relay environment, end-points are connected together via the use of PVC’s
(Permanent Virtual Circuits). The WAN Configuration screen is where these PVC connections
are created in the Magnum Router.

Add a NEW WAN entry
into the configuration

Delete a WAN entry
from the configuration

Save changes to the
Magnum Router

Exit this screen and
return to the Main

Add an IP address to the
WAN port of the
Magnum Router

Add IP routing
information for the WAN

Select the Frame Relay

Select the Frame Relay

DLCI number fields

The Commited
Information Rate of the
Frame Relay Circuit

Whether to treat this
connection a as
multiplexed DLCI
(Virtual) or as a pass-
thru DLCI

Add documentation
notes for each entry

Figure 17 - WAN Configuration Screen
