AMX Wireless Touch Panels (Wave Server) User Manual

Page 169

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ViewPoint Wireless Touch Panels AXCESS



Macro Commands

Command Description

$P <dn> <cn> <tpo>

Send a pulse command for a specified period of time.

dn = device number 2, 3, or 4

cn = channel number 1-255

tp = time pulse on in tenths of a second (max. 65535)

tdp = time delay after pulse in tenths of a second (max.

<cr> = end of statement (Enter key pressed)


$P 3 15 10 100<CR>

Transmit the IR code at device 3, channel 15 for 1 second.
Then, the macro will pause 10 seconds before executing the
next command or before finishing the macro if no other
commands exist.

$W <tdbp><CR>

Used as a delay between pulses

tdbp = time delay before pulse in tenths of a second

<cr> = end of statement (Enter key pressed)


$W 455<CR>

This command will wait 45.5 seconds before executing the
next macro command.

Figure 210

Macro Commands
