Figure 5-10 retrieve user data – HP Access Control User Manual

Page 37

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Click Retrieve user data to launch this operation.

Figure 5-10

Retrieve user data


Choose a specific Affected domain to scan.
You can also specify the login and password of an HP Access Control (HP AC) Job Accounting

administrator for the defined domain of your print system. For security purposes, the password is

encrypted and not visible.


Passwords are case-sensitive.


HP Access Control (HP AC) Job Accounting uses this identification to research users on the

network. The user performing the scan must have administrator rights in each affected domain—be

aware of any firewalls that may block the scan.


If no login or password is entered, HP Access Control (HP AC) Job Accounting verifies the

network authorizations of the machine from which the search was initiated.


Limit the scope of information scanned by choosing Computer or Group in the options list of the Scan

type field.
The Computer option allows the retrieval of various computers and users. The Group option allows

retrieval of various groups, as well as all attached users. Complete scan retrieves all information

related to your domain by taking into account all levels of your system. This last option is selected by



Click the Go icon to accept the process, or the Cancel icon to stop the operation.


This operation must be performed for each domain of the print system. Each new user or group in

any domain is automatically added to the HP Access Control (HP AC) Job Accounting database. All lists and

drop-down menus that summarize end users, machines, groups, and domains existing in the NT system are

automatically created and updated in the HP Access Control (HP AC) Job Accounting interface, if the user has

printed. For more information on these parameters, see the Parameterize queries section of this guide.

Section 5.10 Retrieving user data

