Riding a recumbent tricycle – HP Velotechnik trikes User Manual

Page 22

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Riding a recumbent tricycle


to a low value to make sure you can get off

Please use exclusively the original shoe plates
/ cleats from the manufacturer of the pedals,
do not use any other brand. If you're using
shoe plates that are not authorised the bind-
ing system won't work properly.

Slowly increase the strain

We recommend you to perform only short
rides without much power during the first

Always use a low gear and ride with a high
pedalling frequency. Only after having ac-
quired some training do increase the strain


When you ride on a recumbent you use dif-
ferent muscles than on a conventional bicycle,
and they have to be trained first. The very
high position of the bottom bracket requires
your muscles and blood transport system to
slowly familiarise with the new position.

In case of an overload the blood circulation in
your legs may be affected which shows in loss
of power, a prickling in the toes, falling asleep
of the legs or cramps. When you feature a
sporty way of riding it can take up to 6
months until you have become accustomed to
your new recumbent.

If there is pain in your knees occuring while
riding this is usually the result of too much
power put into pedalling. The good support of
the back sometimes misleads to putting the
full power of the legs in the pedal, similar to
the leg training machines in a fitness center.
When you repeat it regularly it is harmful for

the knees. Pain in the knees often results from
an overuse of the muscles in the knee that can
also be strengthened by exercise.

Also, a wrong adjustment of the front boom
to the leg length (in most cases too short) can
lead to pain in the knees.
