Visara CNA-8000 Installation User Manual

Page 82

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Chapter 6. Ethernet Gateway



Remote MAC Address: Remote nodes may be identified by entering their IP address
and SAP. This can provide increased security but less flexibility than defining the drop to
be dynamic.

Local SAP: The Local SAP is the service access point used by the CNA-8000 to listen
for connection attempts to access this drop. Values for this option must be a multiple of
hex 02.

Remote SAP: When specifically defining a remote node to have access, the SAP of that
remote node must be specified. When the drop is defined to be dynamically accessible
the SAP field is not required and will be grayed out.

Maximum Transmit Frame Size: This option determines the maximum size frame that
may be sent to the session partner. Normally the default value of 1500 (which is the
maximum size for Ethernet) is used.

Receive Window Size: This is the maximum number of frames that can be received
from the session partner before a response is required. The default value for this option is
1 and should be typically a value less than the Transmit Window size of the session
partner. For more information on selecting a Receive Window size refer to the section
entitled Window Size Selection below.

Transmit Window Size: This is the maximum number of frames that can be sent before
a response from the session partner is required. The default value for this parameter is 2
and is typically set to a value greater than session partner’s Receive Window. For more
information on selecting a Receive Window size refer to the section entitled Window
Size Selection below.

Network Protocol: This dropdown control is currently populated with XCA as the only
option that is always selected.

Keepalive Timeout (secs):
This option can be used to help determine when a remote
connection goes away.
