Dnp v3.00 level 1 and level 2, Flicker – Electro-Voice 1252 User Manual

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Electro Industries/GaugeTech

Doc # E107706 V1.25



Nexus 1250/1252 Revenue Metering:
• Delivers laboratory-grade 0.04% Watt-hour accuracy in a field-mounted device.

• Autocalibrates when there is a temperature change of more than 10 degrees centigrade.

• Exceeds all ANSI C-12 and IEC 687 specifications.

• Adjusts for transformer and line losses, using user-defined compensation factors.

• Automatically logs time-of-use for up to eight programmable tariff registers.

• Counts pulses and aggregates different loads.


Nexus 1250/1252 Power Quality Monitoring:
• Records up to 512 samples per cycle on an event.

• Records sub-cycle transients on voltage or current readings.

• Measures and records Harmonics to the 83rd order.

• Offers inputs for neutral-to-ground voltage measurements.

• Synchronizes with IRIG-B clock signal.


Nexus 1250/1252 Memory, Communication and Control:
• Up to 4 Meg NVRAM.

• 4 High Speed Communication Ports.

• Multiple Protocols (see section below on DNP V3.00).

• Built-in RTU functionality.

• Built-in PLC functionality.

• 90msec High Speed Updates for Control.

2.2: DNP V3.00 Level 1 and Level 2

Nexus 1250 supports DNP V3.00 Level 1.
Nexus 1252 supports DNP V3.00 Level 2.

DNP Level 2 Features:
• Up to 136 measurement (64 Binary Inputs, 8 Binary Counters, 64 Analog Inputs) can be mapped

to DNP Static Points (over 3000) in the customizable DNP Point Map.

• Up to 16 Relays and 8 Resets can be controlled through DNP Level 2.

• Report-by-Exception Processing (DNP Events) Deadbands can be set on a per-point basis.

• Freeze Commands: Freeze, Freeze/No-Ack, Freeze with Time, Freeze with Time/No-Ack.

• Freeze with Time Commands enable the Nexus meter to have internal time-driven Frozen and

Frozen Event data. When the Nexus meter receives the Time and Interval, the data will be

For complete details, download the appropriate DNP User Manual from our website

2.3: Flicker

Nexus 1252 provides Flicker Evaluation in Instantaneous, Short Term and Long Term Forms.
For a detailed explanation of Flicker, see Chapter 12 of this manual.

This manual is related to the following products: