Applied Acoustics Systems Chromaphone 3 Upgrade Acoustic Object Synthesizer Plug-In (Download) User Manual

Page 16

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Architecture of

Chromaphone 3

The Layer Mixer

The layer mixer, shown in Figure 8, includes general controls which can be applied to each layer.
It is where the output level of each layer can be monitored and adjusted using the different level
meters and



Each layer can be named using a label. In order to edit a label, click on it and type on the

computer keyboard. Once a name has been entered, hit the


key or click outside the label in

order to deselect this region.

A layer can be switched




by clicking on the power switch icon located just below

its label. Switching


a layer not only mutes its output but completely deactivates the synthesis

engine of the layer. Note that in this case, the split layer feature of the keyboard is also deactivated.
Each layer can also be muted or soloed by using the




buttons respectively. The level of

a layer is adjusted using the corresponding


knob. Note that it is possible to move the gain

knobs of both layers by the same amount. In order to move the knobs together shift-click on a knob
and move it.



knob is used to position the output of a layer in stereo space by adjusting the relative

amplitude of signals sent to the left and right channels. When in its leftmost position, signal is only
sent to the left channel while in its rightmost position signal is only sent to the right channel. When
in its center position, an equal amount of signal is sent to both channels.

Each layer can also be transposed independently using the


controls. The adjustments are

relative to the general tuning of the synthesizer which is specified in the


view. This control

is composed of two numbers separated by a dot. The first number indicates a value in semi-tones
while the second one indicates a value in cents (one hundredth of a semi- tone). The amount of
transposition can be adjusted by click-dragging upward or downward on the semi-tone and cent
controls. Double clicking on these controls brings back their value to zero.

Figure 8: The layer mixer.

The Modes Section

This section includes a master clock, keyboard, unison, vibrato and arpeggiator modules as well as
macro parameters which will be described in more details in Chapter 5.

The Synth Section



section gives access to the synthesis parameters described in details in Chapter 5 and

allows one to really go under the hood.
