Managing sounds – Applied Acoustics Systems Chromaphone 3 Upgrade Acoustic Object Synthesizer Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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The Sound Browser


opens a Finder window. All the pack file names follow the same format which consists of the pack
name followed by the

CP-3 Pack

extension. These files can be used for backups or to exchange

sounds with other users.

Different commands can be applied to a user pack once it has been selected. These are revealed

by clicking on the ellipsis icon located to the right of the pack name at the top of the browser. A
pack can be renamed by choosing the


command. A copy of a pack and its content is

created by using the


command. The name of this new pack is entered in the pop-up

window which appears after choosing this command. A pack is deleted by selecting the


command. Note that when a pack is deleted, it disappears from the browser and its entire content is
not available anymore. A safety copy of the deleted pack is created however by

Chromaphone 3


it is always possible to recuperate a pack which has been deleted by mistake. The backup copy is
accessed by using the

Show Packs Folder

command as explained above. At the same level as the


folder one finds a


folder. The safety copies are located in the



below the


folder. In order to access a deleted pack again from the browser, copy it from the


folder to the




Managing Sounds

A sound in a list is selected by clicking on its name or anywhere on its associated line in the
list. It then becomes highlighted. Selecting a sound loads the corresponding preset data into the
synthesizer and changes the current sound selection. A list of commands which can be applied to
a selected sound appears by clicking on the ellipsis icon appearing to the right of the sound name.

Add to Pack

command allows one to create a copy of the sound in a user pack. When this

command is selected, the list of existing user pack is displayed and there is also the option to create
a new one. Another way to create a copy of a sound in another pack is to use the



click on the name of the destination user pack and then by right-clicking in the sound list of this
pack and using the



Information for individual sounds is shown by clicking on the

Show Sound Details


which opens the

Sound Information

display box. This includes the name of the sound, its cate-

gory, tone quality, and its creator. All these fields can be modified directly from this information
window. There is also a


field which is useful for entering a description or playing instruc-

tions. Note that the fields in this window can be edited for many sounds at once when using multiple
selection of sounds.

A multiple selection consisting of adjacent sounds in a list is obtained by clicking on the name

of the first sound to be selected and then, holding down the


key on the computer keyboard,

and the clicking on the name of the last one. A non-adjacent multiple selection is obtained by
holding down the


computer key and clicking on the name of the different sounds to

be selected. All sounds from a list can also be selected at once by using the

Select All


from the command drop-down menu.

A sound can be copied to another pack by selecting it and using the


command. This

command is available from the command drop-down menu or by right-clicking on the selected
