Applied Acoustics Systems Chromaphone 3 Upgrade Acoustic Object Synthesizer Plug-In (Download) User Manual

Page 20

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The Home View

mapped parameter is kept fixed. Note that the


knob only varies between 0 and 1 since

it is assumed that amplitude modulation or vibrato can only be added to a sound.

These four macro parameters can be assigned to external MIDI controllers for increased ex-

pressivity and playability. The mapping between a macro and an external controller is carried out
in the


view as described in Chapter 7 or by clicking on the label located just below the

macro knob. The name of the assigned MIDI controller is displayed below each macro knob and
it is set to


when there is no assignment. When an external controller is used to control a

macro, an orange line is displayed around the corresponding knob in order to indicate the actual
value associated with the knob. If the knob is not set to a value of zero, the value received from the
external control will be added to the value corresponding to the knob position. This is useful when
a default value for the macro is desired.
