The sound browser, Managing user packs – Applied Acoustics Systems Chromaphone 3 Upgrade Acoustic Object Synthesizer Plug-In (Download) User Manual

Page 22

background image


The Browser View

the original version. This is useful when deciding if a sound should be replaced by a new version.
Note that once the button has been switched


all further modifications on a sound are blocked.

In order to allow edition again, the command must be switched



A new copy of a sound is saved by using the

Save As

command which is activated by clicking

on the corresponding button which opens the

Save Sound

pop-up window. The name of the sound

is entered at the top of this window. The destination pack is then selected. If necessary, a new pack
can be created by clicking on the

New Pack

button. Sounds are saved with a





attribute. These are selected by using the corresponding drop-down lists. These attributes

are useful for searches and display as will be described in the next section. These are followed by
an entry for the name of the sound creator and finally a section for notes which can be useful for a
description of the sound or playing indications.


The Sound Browser

Sounds and sound packs are managed using the

Sound Browser

which is opened by clicking on



tab in the top part of the interface (see Figure 14). Sounds can be browsed by pack,

sound name, category, or creator by clicking on the tabs located in the upper left corner of the
sound browser.

When browsing by packs, the list of available packs is displayed in the left section of the

browser as shown in Figure 15. Packs are divided into two categories, AAS packs and user packs.
AAS packs comprise the new

Chromaphone 3

factory sounds, remastered

Chromaphone 2


sounds, as well as any expansion pack which might be installed on the computer. A pack is selected
by clicking on its associated image in the left section of the browser. The AAS packs have read-
only permission which means that their content can not be modified. The sounds from these packs
can be edited but the new versions need to be saved into a user pack as will be explained in the
section below. The list of user packs is always visible and appears below the


label in the

left section of the browser. A user pack is loaded by clicking on its name which reveals the list of
sounds included in this pack. Sounds in a pack can be organised by index number, name, category,
or sound quality by clicking on one of these labels at the top of the sound list.

The entire library, including sounds from AAS and user packs, can be browsed by clicking on



tab in the upper left corner of the browser as shown in Figure 16 and which reveals

the entire list of sounds in the library. Sounds can then be organised by name, category, sound
quality, creator, pack, or date of creation. Similarly, the library can be browsed by sound category
or sound creator, as shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18, by clicking on the




tab in the upper left corner of the browser. One then chooses a sound category or sound creator in
the scrollable list which appears in the left part of the browser.


Managing User Packs

A new user pack is created by using the

Create Pack

command in the menu revealed by clicking

on the ellipsis icon located to the right of the


label in the left section of the browser. One then
