Introduction, System requirements, 1introduction – Applied Acoustics Systems Chromaphone 3 Upgrade Acoustic Object Synthesizer Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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is a synthesizer based on acoustic resonators. Combinations of resonators are used

to create drums, percussion, string and hybrid synth-like instruments. Membranes, bars, marimbas,
plates, strings, and tubes form pairs that are excited by a mallet and a flexible noise source. Access
to different parameters such as the material of the resonators, their tuning and hit position allow for
the creation of a vast range of realistic and creative instruments and sonic colors.


is entirely based on Applied Acoustics Systems (AAS) physical modeling tech-

nology and uses no sampling nor wave tables. Sound is produced by solving, on the fly, mathe-
matical equations modeling the different types of resonators and how they interact. This elaborate
synthesis engine responds dynamically to the control signals it receives while you play reproducing
the richness and responsiveness of real instruments.


features an innovative coupling

technology allowing an accurate description of the exchange of energy between the resonators
resulting in rich and natural sounding tones.

Before discussing the synthesizer in more detail, we would like to take this opportunity to thank

you for choosing an AAS product. We sincerely hope that this product will bring you inspiration,
pleasure and fulfill your creative needs.


System Requirements

The following minimum computer configuration is necessary to run

Chromaphone 3


Mac OS

Mac OS X 10.7 or later

Intel Core i5 (circa 2012) or faster

64-bit DAW


Windows 7 64-bit or later

Intel Core i5 (circa 2012) or faster

64-bit DAW

Keep in mind that the computational power required by

Chromaphone 3

depends on the number

of voices of polyphony and the sampling rate used. These computer configurations will enable you
to play the factory sounds with a reasonable number of voices but performances will vary depending
on your specific computer configuration.
