Novell netware* v. 6.0 does not install on sds2 – Intel SDS2 User Manual

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Errata Listing

Intel® Server Board SDS2

Revision 1.2

Order Number: A85874-002



The SDS2 server board will not complete POST if more than 4GB or more of
total system memory is installed and the Extended RAM step option in BIOS
Setup is set to “Every Location”.


Choose a different option besides “Every Location” for the Advanced

à Memory


à Extended RAM Step BIOS Setup option. The default setting for

this option is “Disabled”.


Fixed. This issue is fixed in SDS2 BIOS Production Release 2.4 (Build 47) and
later versions.

13. Novell NetWare* v. 6.0 does not install on SDS2


Novell NetWare* v. 6.0 will not install on the SDS2 server board. The install
proceeds normally until the NetWare v. 6.0 splash screen appears for the first
time. The install will then start iterating the portion of the install from “initializing
system resources” to the splash screen indefinitely.


Novell NetWare* v. 6.0 cannot be installed to the SDS2 server board.




Fixed. This issue has been root caused as a Novell NetWare* v. 6.0 operating
system issue. Novell has released NetWare v. 6.0 support pack (SP) 1, which
fixes this issue. Intel has verified the Novell NetWare* v. 6.0 can be
successfully installed to the SDS2 server board when SP1 is applied. The
procedure for applying SP1 is as follows:

1. Create a 200MB bootable DOS partition on the installation hard drive.
2. Format the partition and create a directory called “nwupdate”.
3. Copy server.exe from the SP1 directory “startup” into the “nwupdate”


4. Launch the Novell NetWare* v. 6.0 install, and select to use the existing boot


14. Adaptec* 2100S RAID controller causes system lockup and

video blanking


When an Adaptec* 2100S RAID controller is installed in the SDS2 server board,
the video will blank and the system will lock up during POST when the onboard
SCSI controller option ROM is set to “Enabled” in the SDS2 BIOS setup (defalt


The Adaptec* 2100S RAID controller cannot be used with the SDS2 server
board when the onboard SCSI controller option ROM is set to “Enabled” in the
SDS2 BIOS setup.
